What They Never Told You: Document Serial Numbers (#1)

As I was typing up my recent catharsis about having our house broken into last summer, I had a brief flashback of reading Kim Gruenenfelder’s Total Waste of Makeup. If you haven’t read it, one of the best things it does is explicitly give hints, tips, and truths that we learn in life although nobody ever told us. You know those tough, learn-as-you-go kind of lessons that we only learn by living the mistake. So just like that, I’ve got another category; I hope I can save you some heartache.

Lesson #1: Document the serial numbers of everything you own.

Write them in a notebook, keep them on a flash drive, take pictures and email them to yourself–it does not matter how you do it, but do it. It only takes a few minutes, but it will save you hours of waiting on hold while any given company verifies and tries to track down the serial numbers to your stuff (if they can track them down).

If it means something to you, it will probably mean something to somebody else too. Take down the number; don’t give yourself a reason to regret not doing it.

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